
Types and Programming Languages习题的参考解答及思考(第2章)





Suppose we are given a relation \( R \) on a set \( S \). Define the relation \( R' \) as follows:

\[ R' = R \cup \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \text{.} \]

That is, \( R' \) contains all the pairs in \( R \) plus all pairs of the form \( (s, s) \). Show that \( R' \) is the reflexive closure of \( R \).


根据\( R' \)的定义,有\( R \subseteq R' \) 且\( R' \)满足自反性。

令\( R'' \)为任意包含\( R \)且满足自反性的\( S \)上的关系,则\( \forall (a, b) \in R' \),有\( (a, b) \in R \)或\( (a, b) \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),分情况讨论:

  1. 如果\( (a, b) \in R \),则由于\( R'' \)包含\( R \),因此\( (a, b) \in R'' \)。
  2. 如果\( (a, b) \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),则\( a = b, (a, b) = (a, a) \),又由于\( R'' \)满足自反性,因此\( (a, b) = (a, a) \in R'' \)。

综上,有\( R' \subseteq R'' \),加上前面证明的\( R' \)包含\( R \)且满足自反性,可得\( R' \)为\( R \)的自反闭包。




Here is a more constructive definition of the transitive closure of a relation \( R \). First, we define the following sequence of sets of pairs:

\[ R_0 = R \] \[ R_{i + 1} = R_i \cup \{ (s, u) \mid \text{ for some } t, (s, t) \in R_i \text{ and } (t, u) \in R_i \} \]

That is, we construct each \( R_{i + 1} \) by adding to \( R_i \) all the pairs that can be obtained by “one step of transitivity” from pairs already in \( R_i \). Finally, define the relation \( R^+ \) as the union of all the \( R_i \):

\[ R^+ = \bigcup_i R_i \]

Show that this \( R^+ \) is really the transitive closure of R — i.e., that it satisfies the conditions given in Definition 2.2.5.


包含:根据定义,\( R = R_0 \subseteq R^+ \)。

传递性:证明传递性之前,注意到,由\( R_{i + 1} \)的定义,用数学归纳法,易得\( \forall j \geq i \in \mathbf{N} \),有\( R_i \subseteq R_j \),即后面的集合包含前面的任意集合,现在我们去证明传递性, \( \forall (s, t), (t, u) \in R^+ \),根据\( R^+ \)的定义,可得\( \exists i, j \in \mathbf{N}, (s, t) \in R_i, (t, u) \in R_j \),不妨设\( j \geq i \),则有\( (s, t) \)也\( \in R_j \),于是根据\( R_j \)的定义,有\( (s, u) \in R_j \),进而\( (s, u) \in R^+ \),即\( R^+ \)满足传递性。

最小包含:令\( R' \)为任意包含\( R \)且满足传递性的关系,我们证明\( \forall i \in \mathbf{N}, R_i \subseteq R' \),进而由\( R^+ \)的定义可得\( R^+ \subseteq R' \),用数学归纳法来证明:当\( i = 0 \)时,\( R_i = R_0 = R \),有\( R \subseteq R' \),归纳假设当\( i = k \)时成立,当\( i = k + 1 \)时, \( R_{k + 1} = R_k \cup \{ (s, u) \mid \text{ for some } t, (s, t) \in R_k \text{ and } (t, u) \in R_k \} \),根据归纳假设,有\( R_k \subseteq R' \),而\( \forall (a, b) \in \{ (s, u) \mid \text{ for some } t, (s, t) \in R_k \text{ and } (t, u) \in R_k \} \),有\( \exists c, (a, c), (c, b) \in R_k \),进而有\( (a, c), (c, b) \in R' \),再根据\( R' \)的传递性,可得\( (a, b) \in R' \),至此可得,\( R_{k + 1} \)定义右侧两个并集的集合均是\( R' \)的子集,进而可得\( R_{k + 1} \subseteq R' \),归纳完毕,有\( \forall i \in \mathbf{N}, R_i \subseteq R' \),再由\( R^+ \)的定义可得\( R^+ \subseteq R' \)。

综上,\( R^+ \)是\( R \)的传递闭包。




Suppose \( R \) is a binary relation on a set \( S \) and \( P \) is a predicate on \( S \) that is preserved by \( R \). Show that \( P \) is also preserved by \( R^* \).


令\( R', R^+ \)分别为练习2.2.6、练习2.2.7中构造的\( R \)的自反、传递闭包,令\( R'' = R' \cup R^+ \),我们证明\( R'' = R^* \),即\( R'' \)为 \( R \)的自反、传递闭包:

包含:根据\( R'', R', R^+ \)的定义,明显有\( R \subseteq R'' \)。

自反性:由\( \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \subseteq R' \subseteq R'' \),易得\( R'' \)满足自反性。

传递性:\( \forall (s, t), (t, u) \in R'' \),分情况讨论:

  1. 如果\( (s, t), (t, u) \in R' \),则继续分情况讨论:
    1. 如果\( (s, t), (t, u) \in R \),此时\( (s, u) \in R^+ \),进而\( (s, u) \in R'' \)。
    2. 如果\( (s, t), (t, u) \)中一个\( \in R \),一个\( \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),不妨设\( (s, t) \in R, (t, u) \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),此时\( (s, u) = (s, t) \in R \),进而\( (s, u) \in R'' \)。
    3. 如果\( (s, t), (t, u) \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),则 \( (s, u) = (s, s) \in R' \),进而\( (s, u) \in R'' \)。
  2. 如果\( (s, t), (t, u) \in R^+ \),则\( (s, u) \in R^+ \),进而\( (s, u) \in R'' \)。

综上,\( R'' \)满足传递性。

最小包含:令\( R''' \)为任意包含\( R \)的自反、传递闭包,类似练习2.2.7,用数学归纳法,易证\( R^+ \subseteq R''' \),又明显\( R' \subseteq R''' \),因此\( R'' = R' \cup R^+ \subseteq R''' \)。

综上,\( R'' \)为\( R \)的自反、传递闭包,即\( R^* = R'' \)。

现在,我们证明\( R^* \)保持\( P \), \( \forall (s, s') \in R^*, P(s) \),由\( R^* = R'' = R' \cup R^+ \),可得 \( (s, s') \in R' \)或\( (s, s') \in R^+ \),分情况讨论:

  1. 如果\( (s, s') \in R' \),此时有\( (s, s') \in R \) 或\( (s, s') \in \{ (s, s) \mid s \in S \} \),前者可由\( R \)保持\( P \)得到\( P(s') \),后者则\( s' = s \),进而有\( P(s') \)。
  2. 如果\( (s, s') \in R^+ \),使用数学归纳法证明 \( \forall i \in \mathbf{N} \),\( \forall (a, b) \in R_i \),如果\( (a, b) \in R_i, P(a) \),则\( P(b) \),当\( i = 0 \)时,\( R_i = R_0 = R \),如果\( (a, b) \in R_i = R, P(a) \),则由\( R \)保持\( P \)可得\( P(b) \),归纳假设当\( i = k \)时成立,当\( i = k + 1 \)时,如果\( (a, b) \in R_{k + 1}, P(a) \),则\( (a, b) \in R_k \)或 \( (a, b) \in \{ (s, u) \mid \text{ for some } t, (s, t) \in R_k \text{ and } (t, u) \in R_k \} \),前者由归纳假设可得结论成立,后者\( \exists c, (a, c), (c, b) \in R_k \),根据归纳假设以及\( P(a) \),可得\( P( c) \),再根据归纳假设,可得\( P(b) \),归纳完毕。继续回去证明,由\( (s, s') \in R^+ \),可得\( \exists i \in \mathbf{N}, (s, s') \in R_i \),加上\( P(s) \)以及数学归纳法证明的结论,可得\( P(s') \)。

综上,\( R^* \)保持\( P \)。
